Bot which posts when browser makers announce their intent to ship, change or remove features in their web engines!
Made by @autonome.
Data sources are described in the Data Sources section below.
Posting is done via Zapier.
- Configure Zapier access to the email account, get notified on new messages or feed items
- Zapier job for each source, with a single sub-zap that does the posting
- Bluesky: The posting action executes the JS in this gist
- Mastodon: The posting action does webhook POST to
- RSS: Pulled from Bluesky at
- Twitter: Something pipes the RSS to Twitter (note to self: try and remember what you did hereā¦)
Data Sources
- Blink: Gmail account subscribed to blink-dev
- Gecko: Gmail account subscribed to mozilla-dev-platform
- Webkit: cand calls sub-zap
- Edge: Everything here is broken. Need new source.

What else should @intenttoship tweet about?
What other web engines should it report on?
What other features would you like to see?
File an issue in this repo!
Original bot was code running here on Glitch:!/intent-to-ship-bot